Our assigned collection agencies’ and attorney teams’ nationwide have many years of experience in providing the credit/collections industry with high quality location information. Skip tracing is their business, and they view their work as both a science and an art.
Our assigned collection agencies’ and attorney teams’ nationwide skip tracing team has expanded the use of computer-based data retrieval, resulting in significant gains in the location process. However, the industry has found that total reliance on the scientific approach severely limits skip tracing results.
That’s where the art comes in. Our assigned collection agencies’ and attorney teams’ nationwide staff consists of highly’ experienced skip tracing professionals who use existing databases containing information from various national sources. Added to that, our assigned collection agencies’ and attorney teams’ nationwide own proprietary data repositories and search processes, coupled with expert phone inquiries. This powerful approach results in their ability to consistently generate location rates that meet and exceed each client’s needs and expectations, thereby improving their collection revenues and returns on investment and time.
Our assigned collection agencies’ and attorney teams’ nationwide deliver innovation and value to the location process. Many of our assigned collection agencies’ and attorney teams’ nationwide clients refer accounts to us that have been skip traced in-house or by other collection agencies and have not been located. Innovation and value are also the reason our assigned collection agencies’ and attorney teams’ nationwide client relationships tend to be long term.
Walking before running is wise; this is why we like conducting trial programs with prospective clients. Our Easy Free Trial Program allows potential clients to accurately measure our performance and their returns on their collections and skip tracing investment. Our Easy Free Trial Program also provides us with the opportunity to become familiar with the level of resources necessary to consistently produce optimum locate rates and accurate account findings. Some of our assigned collection agencies and attorney teams nationwide have significant experience with many Fortune 500 companies’ Champion / Challenger models.
Once a client’s Easy Free Trial Program has concluded, decisions about future activities can be based on facts, not just the estimates or promises, like; that some collection agencies make. We want your business! If you have any questions about our Collections and Skip Tracing Easy Free Trial Program or would like to set up a meeting, please feel free to contact us.
Please contact us today at 1-800-810-3191 Ext: 1, and let’s discuss on what our professional business network can do for you.